Libraries ScalaTest + Play ScalaTest + Selenium ScalaTest + ScalaCheck ScalaTest + JUnit 4 ScalaTest + JUnit 5 ScalaTest + TestNG ScalaTest + EasyMock ScalaTest + JMock ScalaTest + Mockito |
ScalaTest + EasyMockThe ScalaTest + EasyMock integration library makes it fun and easy to use EasyMock with ScalaTest. To use ScalaTest + EasyMock, please add the following to your SBT project dependency: libraryDependencies += "org.scalatestplus" %% "easymock-5-3" % "" % "test" For maven you can use: <dependency> <groupId>org.scalatestplus</groupId> <artifactId>easymock-5-3_3</artifactId> <version></version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
ScalaTest's Using the EasyMock API directly, you create a mock with: val mockCollaborator = createMock(classOf[Collaborator]) With this trait, you can shorten that to: val mockCollaborator = mock[Collaborator] After creating mocks, you set expectations on them, using syntax like this: mockCollaborator.documentAdded("Document") mockCollaborator.documentChanged("Document") expectLastCall().times(3)
If you wish to highlight which statements are setting expectations on the mock (versus
which ones are actually using the mock), you can place them in an expecting { mockCollaborator.documentAdded("Document") mockCollaborator.documentChanged("Document") lastCall.times(3) }
Using an
Once you've set expectations on the mock objects, you must invoke replay(mockCollaborator) classUnderTest.addDocument("Document", new Array[Byte](0)) classUnderTest.addDocument("Document", new Array[Byte](0)) classUnderTest.addDocument("Document", new Array[Byte](0)) classUnderTest.addDocument("Document", new Array[Byte](0)) verify(mockCollaborator) This trait enables you to use the following, more declarative syntax instead: whenExecuting(mockCollaborator) { classUnderTest.addDocument("Document", new Array[Byte](0)) classUnderTest.addDocument("Document", new Array[Byte](0)) classUnderTest.addDocument("Document", new Array[Byte](0)) classUnderTest.addDocument("Document", new Array[Byte](0)) }
To summarize, here's what a typical test using val mockCollaborator = mock[Collaborator]
An alternative approach is to place your mock objects in a implicit val mocks = MockObjects(mock[Collaborator]) |
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