class JUnitSuite extends JUnitSuiteLike

A suite of tests that can be run with either JUnit or ScalaTest. This class allows you to write JUnit 4 tests with ScalaTest's more concise assertion syntax as well as JUnit's assertions (assertEquals, etc.). You create tests by defining methods that are annotated with Test, and can create fixtures with methods annotated with Before and After. For example:

import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitSuite
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

class TwoSuite extends JUnitSuite {
var sb: StringBuilder = _ var lb: ListBuffer[String] = _
@Before def initialize() { sb = new StringBuilder("ScalaTest is ") lb = new ListBuffer[String] }
@Test def verifyEasy() { sb.append("easy!") assert(sb.toString === "ScalaTest is easy!") assert(lb.isEmpty) lb += "sweet" }
@Test def verifyFun() { sb.append("fun!") assert(sb.toString === "ScalaTest is fun!") assert(lb.isEmpty) } }

To execute JUnitSuites with ScalaTest's Runner, you must include JUnit's jar file on the class path or runpath. This version of JUnitSuite was tested with JUnit version 4.10.

Instances of this class are not thread safe.

Linear Supertypes
JUnitSuiteLike, AssertionsForJUnit, VersionSpecificAssertionsForJUnit, Suite, Serializable, Assertions, TripleEquals, TripleEqualsSupport, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. JUnitSuite
  2. JUnitSuiteLike
  3. AssertionsForJUnit
  4. VersionSpecificAssertionsForJUnit
  5. Suite
  6. Serializable
  7. Assertions
  8. TripleEquals
  9. TripleEqualsSupport
  10. AnyRef
  11. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new JUnitSuite()

Type Members

  1. class CheckingEqualizer[L] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  2. class Equalizer[L] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. def !==[T](right: Spread[T]): TripleEqualsInvocationOnSpread[T]
    Definition Classes
  3. def !==(right: Null): TripleEqualsInvocation[Null]
    Definition Classes
  4. def !==[T](right: T): TripleEqualsInvocation[T]
    Definition Classes
  5. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  6. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  7. def ===[T](right: Spread[T]): TripleEqualsInvocationOnSpread[T]
    Definition Classes
  8. def ===(right: Null): TripleEqualsInvocation[Null]
    Definition Classes
  9. def ===[T](right: T): TripleEqualsInvocation[T]
    Definition Classes
  10. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  11. macro def assert(condition: Boolean, clue: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
    VersionSpecificAssertionsForJUnit → Assertions
  12. macro def assert(condition: Boolean)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
    VersionSpecificAssertionsForJUnit → Assertions
  13. macro def assertCompiles(code: String)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  14. macro def assertDoesNotCompile(code: String)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  15. def assertResult(expected: Any)(actual: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  16. def assertResult(expected: Any, clue: Any)(actual: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  17. def assertThrows[T <: AnyRef](f: => Any)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[T], pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  18. macro def assertTypeError(code: String)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  19. macro def assume(condition: Boolean, clue: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
    VersionSpecificAssertionsForJUnit → Assertions
  20. macro def assume(condition: Boolean)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
    VersionSpecificAssertionsForJUnit → Assertions
  21. def cancel(cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  22. def cancel(message: String, cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  23. def cancel(message: String)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  24. def cancel()(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  25. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  26. def convertEquivalenceToAToBConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B])(implicit ev: <:<[A, B]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  27. def convertEquivalenceToBToAConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A])(implicit ev: <:<[B, A]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  28. def convertToCheckingEqualizer[T](left: T): CheckingEqualizer[T]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  29. implicit def convertToEqualizer[T](left: T): Equalizer[T]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  30. def defaultEquality[A]: Equality[A]
    Definition Classes
  31. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  32. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  33. final def execute(testName: String, configMap: ConfigMap, color: Boolean, durations: Boolean, shortstacks: Boolean, fullstacks: Boolean, stats: Boolean): Unit
    Definition Classes
  34. def expectedTestCount(filter: Filter): Int

    Returns the number of tests expected to be run by JUnit when run is invoked on this JUnitSuite.

    Returns the number of tests expected to be run by JUnit when run is invoked on this JUnitSuite.

    If tagsToInclude in the passed Filter is defined, this class's implementation of this method returns 0. Else this class's implementation of this method returns the size of the set returned by testNames on the current instance, less the number of tests that were annotated with org.junit.Ignore.


    a Filter for test filtering


    number of expected test count

    Definition Classes
    JUnitSuiteLike → Suite
  35. def fail(cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  36. def fail(message: String, cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  37. def fail(message: String)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  38. def fail()(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  39. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  40. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  41. def intercept[T <: AnyRef](f: => Any)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[T], pos: Position): T
    Definition Classes
  42. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  43. def lowPriorityTypeCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B], ev: <:<[A, B]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  44. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  45. def nestedSuites: IndexedSeq[Suite]
    Definition Classes
  46. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  47. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  48. def pending: Assertion with PendingStatement
    Definition Classes
  49. def pendingUntilFixed(f: => Unit)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion with PendingStatement
    Definition Classes
  50. def rerunner: Option[String]
    Definition Classes
  51. def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status

    Overrides to use JUnit 4 to run the test(s).

    Overrides to use JUnit 4 to run the test(s).


    an optional name of one test to run. If None, all relevant tests should be run. I.e., None acts like a wildcard that means run all relevant tests in this Suite.


    the Args for this run


    a Status object that indicates when all tests and nested suites started by this method have completed, and whether or not a failure occurred.

    Definition Classes
    JUnitSuiteLike → Suite
  52. final def runNestedSuites(args: Args): Status

    Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to JUnit to run its tests.

    Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to JUnit to run its tests.

    The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt to mix in a trait that overrides runNestedSuites. Because this trait does not actually use runNestedSuites, the attempt to mix in behavior would very likely not work.


    the Args for this run

    Definition Classes
    JUnitSuiteLike → Suite
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException always.

  53. final def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): Status

    Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this traits's run method delegates to JUnit to run its tests.

    Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this traits's run method delegates to JUnit to run its tests.

    The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt to mix in a trait that overrides runTest. Because this trait does not actually use runTest, the attempt to mix in behavior would very likely not work.


    the name of one test to run.


    the Args for this run

    Definition Classes
    JUnitSuiteLike → Suite
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException always.

  54. final def runTests(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status

    Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to JUnit to run its tests.

    Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to JUnit to run its tests.

    The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt to mix in a trait that overrides runTests. Because this trait does not actually use runTests, the attempt to mix in behavior would very likely not work.


    an optional name of one test to run. If None, all relevant tests should be run. I.e., None acts like a wildcard that means run all relevant tests in this Suite.


    the Args for this run

    Definition Classes
    JUnitSuiteLike → Suite
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException always.

  55. final val styleName: String

    Suite style name.

    Suite style name.



    Definition Classes
    JUnitSuiteLike → Suite
  56. final val succeed: Assertion
    Definition Classes
  57. def suiteId: String
    Definition Classes
  58. def suiteName: String
    Definition Classes
  59. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  60. def tags: Map[String, Set[String]]

    Overrides to return just tests that have org.junit.Ignore on them, but calls it org.scalatest.Ignore.

    Overrides to return just tests that have org.junit.Ignore on them, but calls it org.scalatest.Ignore. It also auto-tags suite level annotation.

    Definition Classes
    JUnitSuiteLike → Suite
  61. def testDataFor(testName: String, theConfigMap: ConfigMap = ConfigMap.empty): TestData

    Overrides to retrieve suite and test tags from annotations.

    Overrides to retrieve suite and test tags from annotations.


    the name of the test for which to return a TestData instance


    the config map to include in the returned TestData


    a TestData instance for the specified test, which includes the specified config map

    Definition Classes
    JUnitSuiteLike → Suite
  62. def testNames: Set[String]

    Returns the set of test names that will be executed by JUnit when run is invoked on an instance of this class, or the instance is passed directly to JUnit for running.

    Returns the set of test names that will be executed by JUnit when run is invoked on an instance of this class, or the instance is passed directly to JUnit for running.

    The iterator obtained by invoking elements on this returned Set will produce the test names in their natural order, as determined by String's compareTo method. Nevertheless, this method is not consulted by JUnit when it runs the tests, and JUnit may run the tests in any order.

    Definition Classes
    JUnitSuiteLike → Suite
  63. def toExceptionFunction(message: Option[String]): (StackDepthException) => Option[String]

    If message or message contents are null, throw a null exception, otherwise create a function that returns the option.

    If message or message contents are null, throw a null exception, otherwise create a function that returns the option.

    Definition Classes
  64. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  65. def typeCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A], ev: <:<[B, A]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  66. implicit def unconstrainedEquality[A, B](implicit equalityOfA: Equality[A]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  67. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  68. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  69. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  70. def withClue[T](clue: Any)(fun: => T): T
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def conversionCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A], cnv: (B) => A): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport

    (Since version 3.1.0) The conversionCheckedConstraint method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. It is no longer needed now that the deprecation period of ConversionCheckedTripleEquals has expired. It will not be replaced.

  2. def convertEquivalenceToAToBConversionConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B])(implicit ev: (A) => B): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport

    (Since version 3.1.0) The convertEquivalenceToAToBConversionConstraint method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. It is no longer needed now that the deprecation period of ConversionCheckedTripleEquals has expired. It will not be replaced.

  3. def convertEquivalenceToBToAConversionConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A])(implicit ev: (B) => A): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport

    (Since version 3.1.0) The convertEquivalenceToBToAConversionConstraint method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. It is no longer needed now that the deprecation period of ConversionCheckedTripleEquals has expired. It will not be replaced.

  4. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated
  5. def lowPriorityConversionCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B], cnv: (A) => B): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport

    (Since version 3.1.0) The lowPriorityConversionCheckedConstraint method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. It is no longer needed now that the deprecation period of ConversionCheckedTripleEquals has expired. It will not be replaced.

Inherited from JUnitSuiteLike

Inherited from AssertionsForJUnit

Inherited from Suite

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Assertions

Inherited from TripleEquals

Inherited from TripleEqualsSupport

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
