
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package org
    Definition Classes
  • package scalatest

    ScalaTest's main traits, classes, and other members, including members supporting ScalaTest's DSL for the Scala interpreter.

    ScalaTest's main traits, classes, and other members, including members supporting ScalaTest's DSL for the Scala interpreter.

    Definition Classes
  • package compatible
    Definition Classes
  • package concurrent

    Classes, traits, and objects related to testing asynchronous and multi-threaded behavior.

    Classes, traits, and objects related to testing asynchronous and multi-threaded behavior.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • package diagrams

    A single traits and companion object that provides a assertions that draw code diagrams on failure.

    A single traits and companion object that provides a assertions that draw code diagrams on failure.

    This package is released as the scalatest-diagrams module.

    Definition Classes
  • package enablers

    Classes, traits, and objects for typeclasses that enable ScalaTest's DSLs.

    Classes, traits, and objects for typeclasses that enable ScalaTest's DSLs.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • package events

    Classes for events sent to the org.scalatest.Reporter to report the results of running tests.

    Classes for events sent to the org.scalatest.Reporter to report the results of running tests.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • package exceptions

    Classes and traits for exceptions thrown by ScalaTest.

    Classes and traits for exceptions thrown by ScalaTest.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • package featurespec

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FeatureSpec style.

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FeatureSpec style.

    This package is released as the scalatest-featurespec module.

    Definition Classes
  • package fixture

    Classes and traits supporting ScalaTest's "fixture" style traits, which allow you to pass fixture objects into tests.

    Classes and traits supporting ScalaTest's "fixture" style traits, which allow you to pass fixture objects into tests.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • AsyncConfigMapFixture
  • AsyncTestDataFixture
  • ConfigMapFixture
  • NoArg
  • TestDataFixture
  • UnitFixture
  • package flatspec

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FlatSpec style.

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FlatSpec style.

    This package is released as the scalatest-flatspec module.

    Definition Classes
  • package freespec

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FreeSpec style.

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FreeSpec style.

    This package is released as the scalatest-freespec module.

    Definition Classes
  • package funspec

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FunSpec style.

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FunSpec style.

    This package is released as the scalatest-funspec module.

    Definition Classes
  • package funsuite

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FunSuite style.

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's FunSuite style.

    This package is released as the scalatest-funsuite module.

    Definition Classes
  • package matchers

    Classes and traits for matchers.

    Classes and traits for matchers.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-matchers-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • package prop
    Definition Classes
  • package propspec

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's PropSpec style.

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's PropSpec style.

    This package is released as the scalatest-propspec module.

    Definition Classes
  • package refspec

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's RefSpec style.

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's RefSpec style.

    This package is released as the scalatest-refspec module.

    Definition Classes
  • package tagobjects

    Singleton-object versions of ScalaTest's built-in tags.

    Singleton-object versions of ScalaTest's built-in tags.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • package tags
    Definition Classes
  • package time

    Classes, traits, and objects for ScalaTest's time DSL.

    Classes, traits, and objects for ScalaTest's time DSL.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • package tools

    Tools for running ScalaTest.

    Tools for running ScalaTest.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • package verbs

    Classes and traits that support ScalaTest DSLs.

    Classes and traits that support ScalaTest DSLs.

    This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

    Definition Classes
  • package wordspec

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's WordSpec style.

    Classes and traits for ScalaTest's WordSpec style.

    This package is released as the scalatest-wordspec module.

    Definition Classes

package fixture

Classes and traits supporting ScalaTest's "fixture" style traits, which allow you to pass fixture objects into tests.

This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncConfigMapFixture extends AnyRef

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureAsyncTestSuite passes the config map passed to runTest as a fixture into each test.

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureAsyncTestSuite passes the config map passed to runTest as a fixture into each test.

    Here's an example in which tests just check to make sure "hello" and "world" are defined keys in the config map:

    package org.scalatest.examples.fixture.configmapfixture
    import org.scalatest._
    class ExampleAsyncSpec extends fixture.AsyncFlatSpec with fixture.AsyncConfigMapFixture with Matchers {
    "The config map" should "contain hello" in { configMap => // Use the configMap passed to runTest in the test configMap should contain key "hello" }
    it should "contain world" in { configMap => configMap should contain key "world" } }

    If you run this class without defining "hello" and "world" in the confg map, the tests will fail:

    scala> ExampleSpec)
    The config map
    - should contain hello *** FAILED ***
      Map() did not contain key "hello" (:20)
    - should contain world *** FAILED ***
      Map() did not contain key "world" (:24)

    If you do define "hello" and "world" keys in the confg map, the tests will success:

    scala> ExampleSpec, configMap = Map("hello" -> "hi", "world" -> "globe"))
    The config map
    - should contain hello
    - should contain world

  2. trait AsyncTestDataFixture extends AnyRef

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureAsyncTestSuite passes the TestData passed to withFixture as a fixture into each test.

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureAsyncTestSuite passes the TestData passed to withFixture as a fixture into each test.

    For example, here's how you could access the test's name in each test using AsyncTestDataFixture:

    package org.scalatest.examples.fixture.testdatafixture
    import org.scalatest._
    class ExampleAsyncSpec extends fixture.AsyncFlatSpec with fixture.AsyncTestDataFixture {
    "Accessing the test data" should "be easy!" in { td => assert( == "Accessing the test data should be easy!") }
    it should "be fun!" in { td => assert( == "Accessing the test data should be fun!") } }

  3. trait ConfigMapFixture extends AnyRef

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureSuite passes the config map passed to runTest as a fixture into each test.

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureSuite passes the config map passed to runTest as a fixture into each test.

    Here's an example in which tests just check to make sure "hello" and "world" are defined keys in the config map:

    package org.scalatest.examples.fixture.configmapfixture
    import org.scalatest._
    class ExampleSpec extends fixture.FlatSpec with fixture.ConfigMapFixture with Matchers {
    "The config map" should "contain hello" in { configMap => // Use the configMap passed to runTest in the test configMap should contain key "hello" }
    it should "contain world" in { configMap => configMap should contain key "world" } }

    If you run this class without defining "hello" and "world" in the confg map, the tests will fail:

    scala> ExampleSpec)
    The config map
    - should contain hello *** FAILED ***
      Map() did not contain key "hello" (:20)
    - should contain world *** FAILED ***
      Map() did not contain key "world" (:24)

    If you do define "hello" and "world" keys in the confg map, the tests will success:

    scala> ExampleSpec, configMap = Map("hello" -> "hi", "world" -> "globe"))
    The config map
    - should contain hello
    - should contain world

  4. trait NoArg extends DelayedInit with () => Unit

    A function that takes no parameters (i.e., a Function0 or "no-arg" function) and results in Unit, which when invoked executes the body of the constructor of the class into which this trait is mixed.

    A function that takes no parameters (i.e., a Function0 or "no-arg" function) and results in Unit, which when invoked executes the body of the constructor of the class into which this trait is mixed.

    This trait extends DelayedInit and defines a delayedInit method that saves the body of the constructor (passed to delayedInit) for later execution when apply is invoked.

    This trait is somewhat magical and therefore may be challenging for your collegues to understand, so please use it as a last resort only when the simpler options described in the "shared fixtures" section of your chosen style trait won't do the job. NoArg is intended to address a specific use case that will likely be rare, and is unlikely to be useful outside of its intended use case, but it is quite handy for its intended use case (described in the next paragraph). One potential gotcha, for example, is that a subclass's constructor body could in theory be executed multiple times by simply invoking apply multiple times. In the intended use case for this trait, however, the body will be executed only once.

    The intended use case for this method is (relatively rare) situations in which you want to extend a different instance of the same class for each test, with the body of the test inheriting the members of that class, and with code executed before and/or after the body of the test.

    For example, Akka's TestKit class takes an ActorSystem, which must have a unique name. To run a suite of tests in parallel, each test must get its own ActorSystem, to ensure the tests run in isolation. At the end of each test, the ActorSystem must be shutdown. With NoArg, you can achieve this by first defining a class that extends TestKit and mixes in NoArg. Here's an example taken with permission from the book Akka Concurrency, by Derek Wyatt:

    import akka.testkit.{TestKit, ImplicitSender}
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
    import org.scalatest.fixture.NoArg
    object ActorSys { val uniqueId = new AtomicInteger(0) }
    class ActorSys(name: String) extends TestKit(ActorSystem(name)) with ImplicitSender with NoArg {
    def this() = this( "TestSystem%05d".format( ActorSys.uniqueId.getAndIncrement()))
    def shutdown(): Unit = system.shutdown()
    override def apply() { try super.apply() finally shutdown() } }

    Given this implementation of ActorSys, which will invoke shutdown after the constructor code is executed, you can run each test in a suite in a subclass of TestKit, giving each test's TestKit an ActorSystem with a unique name, allowing you to safely run those tests in parallel. Here's an example from Akka Concurrency:

    class MyActorSpec extends fixture.WordSpec
            with Matchers
            with UnitFixture
            with ParallelTestExecution {
    def makeActor(): ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "MyActor")
    "My Actor" should { "throw when made with the wrong name" in new ActorSys { an [Exception] should be thrownBy { // use a generated name val a = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor]) } } "construct without exception" in new ActorSys { val a = makeActor() // The throw will cause the test to fail } "respond with a Pong to a Ping" in new ActorSys { val a = makeActor() a ! Ping expectMsg(Pong) } } }

    UnitFixture is used in this example, because in this case, the fixture.WordSpec feature enabling tests to be defined as functions from fixture objects of type FixtureParam to Unit is not being used. Rather, only the secondary feature that enables tests to be defined as functions from no parameters to Unit is being used. This secondary feature is described in the second-to-last paragraph on the main Scaladoc documentation of fixture.WordSpec, which says:

    If a test doesn't need the fixture, you can indicate that by providing a no-arg instead of a one-arg function, ... In other words, instead of starting your function literal with something like “db =>”, you'd start it with “() =>”. For such tests, runTest will not invoke withFixture(OneArgTest). It will instead directly invoke withFixture(NoArgTest).

    Since FixtureParam is unused in this use case, it could be anything. Making it Unit will hopefully help readers more easily recognize that it is not being used.

    Note: As of Scala 2.11, DelayedInit (which is used by NoArg) has been deprecated, to indicate it is buggy and should be avoided if possible. Those in charge of the Scala compiler and standard library have promised that DelayedInit will not be removed from Scala unless an alternate way to achieve the same goal is provided. Thus it should be safe to use NoArg, but if you'd rather not you can achieve the same effect with a bit more boilerplate by extending (() => Unit) instead of NoArg and placing your code in an explicit body method. Here's an example:

    import akka.testkit.{TestKit, ImplicitSender}
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
    import org.scalatest.fixture.NoArg
    object ActorSys { val uniqueId = new AtomicInteger(0) }
    class ActorSys(name: String) extends TestKit(ActorSystem(name)) with ImplicitSender with (() => Unit) {
    def this() = this( "TestSystem%05d".format( ActorSys.uniqueId.getAndIncrement()))
    def shutdown(): Unit = system.shutdown() def body(): Unit
    override def apply() = { try body() finally shutdown() } }

    Using this version of ActorSys will require an explicit body method in the tests:

    class MyActorSpec extends fixture.WordSpec
            with Matchers
            with UnitFixture
            with ParallelTestExecution {
    def makeActor(): ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "MyActor")
    "My Actor" should { "throw when made with the wrong name" in new ActorSys { def body() = an [Exception] should be thrownBy { // use a generated name val a = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor]) } } "construct without exception" in new ActorSys { def body() = { val a = makeActor() // The throw will cause the test to fail } } "respond with a Pong to a Ping" in new ActorSys { def body() = { val a = makeActor() a ! Ping expectMsg(Pong) } } } }

  5. trait TestDataFixture extends AnyRef

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureSuite passes the TestData passed to withFixture as a fixture into each test.

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureSuite passes the TestData passed to withFixture as a fixture into each test.

    For example, here's how you could access the test's name in each test using TestDataFixture:

    package org.scalatest.examples.fixture.testdatafixture
    import org.scalatest._
    class ExampleSpec extends fixture.FlatSpec with fixture.TestDataFixture {
    "Accessing the test data" should "be easy!" in { td => assert( == "Accessing the test data should be easy!") }
    it should "be fun!" in { td => assert( == "Accessing the test data should be fun!") } }

  6. trait UnitFixture extends AnyRef

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureSuite passes the unit value as a fixture into each test.

    Trait that when mixed into a FixtureSuite passes the unit value as a fixture into each test.

    Since a unit value is unlikely to be of much use to a test, this trait is useful when the unit value fixture is actually never passed into any tests. Instead each test in the FixtureSuite is defined as a no-arg function; no tests are defined as one-arg functions. This should be quite rare, but occasionally can be useful. For an example, see the main documentation for trait NoArg.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
