ScalaTest/Scalactic 2.2.6 Release Notes

ScalaTest/Scalactic 2.2.6 includes the enhancements and bug fixes listed below. No source code using ScalaTest/ScalaUtils 2.0 or higher should break, but from any version other than other 2.2.x releases (with which this release is binary compatible), you will likely need to do a clean build to upgrade.

For information on how to include ScalaTest in your project, see the download page. For information on how to use Scalactic in your production code, see its download page.


  • Updated the ScalaCheck dependency to version 1.12.6.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed length and size problems in assert, assume, require, and requireState macros when used with a custom length or size method that returns a non-integral type (reported as github issue #478).
  • Fixed a ClassNotFoundException problem when ScalaCheck was used with fork mode in sbt.
  • Fixed an implicit numeric widening problem in ScalaTest's assert macro (reported as github issue #445).
  • Ensure DiagrammedAssertions can handle java static fields (reported as github issue #615 and github issue #611).
  • Changed Framework to use ScalaTest's thread pool for nested suites, instead of handling nested suites as nested tasks returned to sbt (reported as github issue #613).
  • Fixed a serialization failure when eventually was called inside a withClue block (reported as github issue #358).
  • Made Every extend Serializable (reported as github issue #663).

Visit ScalaTest Release Notes for links to the release notes of all previous versions, or step back in time by visiting the release notes for the previous version.

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